Friday, March 14, 2014

For weeks now I have been waiting, waiting, and waiting some more to go to London. And as spring break comes closer, the more it seems like I have to do for my other classes and prepare to go to London all at once. I have had to take two tests and with all the free time that I did have was spent on finishing labs for Molecular Biology Techniques that I was behind on. All I could think of was, when is saturday going to be here so I can get on a plane and head over to London? The day is finally almost here! Just a few more hours until I head over to the Grand Forks airport and board a plane and I have yet to pack!!

Even though going to London is still going to require school work and research, I cannot wait to go there and get of the United States. Besides seeing some of the major tourist sites of London, I want to go on a Jack the Ripper walking tour, the Sherlock Holmes Museum, the Tower of London, and above all Scotland Yard to reasearch some major cases in London that forensic DNA has played a major role in, how DNA has played a role in discovering who the two little children where that were found in the Tower of London, and how England uses DNA to determine who a suspect is in a crime.

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