Friday, March 21, 2014

The Two Princes in the Tower


The Tower of London started being built while William I (William the Conqueror) was king. It was finished during the reign of his son, William II. Part of the Tower was to hold the kings or queens the day before their coronation, other parts were to torture prisoners or hold them captive including future and present kings or queens.

While Queen Mary (Bloody Mary) was reigning, she tried to bring back Catholicism back to England after her father King Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Church and created the Church of England when he was infatuated with Anne Boleyn. She is called Bloody Mary because she had many Protestants burned at the stake for not converting to Catholicism. There happened to be an uprising during her reign and she thought that her sister Elizabeth was behind the uprising of Sir Thomas Wyatt and brought her to the Tower. Two months after being in the Tower, Queen Elizabeth was set free. 

Another incident that someone of royal blood was cast into the Tower was King Edward V. His father died suddenly when he was only 12 years old. His uncle, King Richard III, was protector of the realm and of young King Edward. To keep both King Edward V and the King’s brother “safe,” he put both of the princes in the Tower. Both Edward V and Richard are known as the Princes of the Tower. It is believed and most probable that they were both killed while they were in the Tower. 

It is believed that King Richard III, the boy’s uncle, ordered the boys to be killed. It is said that they were killed by smothering while they were asleep. When no one saw the boys, they believed that they were indeed killed and word got to Henry Tudor (later known as King Henry VII). Henry marched into England with an army and fought Richard III for the crown because he was a usurper and committed treason by killing the rightful King of England. That is how the Tudor line came to be on the throne and later Queen Elizabeth I being Queen best known for the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
In the mid-1600s, two bodies of children were found in the Tower of London and it was believed to be the bodies of King Edward V and his brother Richard. For over 300 years since the time the bodies were found, there wasn’t any DNA testing to determine if it was in fact those children. Only measurements of the bodies and analysis of the bones were able to determine that they belonged to two male children most likely of those of the princes. Today, I have heard that it was in fact not the boys and I have also heard that it is not for certain if it is or not. I hope the truth will be able to be discovered, for the little boys deserve to finally be at peace.

Seeing the Tower of London and the approximate area that the two skeletons were found, it made me sad. Sad that someone could be so power hungry that they are willing to kill their own nephews just so he could be on the throne. I was overwhelmed with that thought and I felt even angry towards Richard III for what he did to the boys. Karma is a wonderful thing, he got what came to him when Henry VII overpowered him and took the crown away from him. If the skeletons were in fact not of the two princes, I hope that they can be found and laid to rest. 
                                                        approximately where the Two Princes where found.

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